Accounting and Financial Reporting
Accounting and Financial Reporting - Details
What documents do we require from you?
Documents for Master File (for new clients)
Incorporation document for Business entity
Opening Trial Balance
Income tax return of the last year
Electronic Bookkeeping files
Invoices issued to clients/customers
Details of advance payments received from client/customer
Payroll details of employees
Details of salary paid and calculation
Cash & Bank
Cash receipts
Cash payment book
Bank Statements
Credit Card Statements
Cheque Stubs
Invoices received for expenses incurred
Invoices for the payments of fixed assets
Receipt of payment of taxes
List of inventory items involved in the business
Other relevant transactions
Major events that occurred this year
Payments to shareholders/directors
Loan statements for any loans taken from banks
Details of withholding taxes paid (if any)
Returns filed with tax authorities
Any correspondence with government authorities